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ma 19 feb


Researching Yazidi Women in Kurdistan Region of Iraq Remotely: Methodological Challenges

Inner Asia Colloquium

Researching Yazidi Women in Kurdistan Region of Iraq Remotely: Methodological Challenges
Researching Yazidi Women in Kurdistan Region of Iraq Remotely: Methodological Challenges

Time & Location

19 feb 2024, 15:00

About the event

Since 2014, the world has witnessed pervasive gender-based violence against Yazidi women by the so-called Islamic State, encompassing sexual assault, economic instability, and social insecurity. This presentation, based on research into their coping strategies during and after captivity, aims to shed light on the methodological challenges faced during the research period. It also discusses the strategies developed to address these challenges, with the intention that they may be beneficial to other scholars conducting similar research.

The speaker is Busra Nisa Sarac, a specialist in Terrorism Studies and currently a lecturer at the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice (SCCJ) at the University in Portsmouth. 

Join the lecture via MS Teams: meeting ID: 380 555 022 848, password: evYLW4.

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© 2023 by the REMOTE XUAR project

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe coordination and support action 101079460 — REMOTE XUAR — HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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